
The childcare platform trusted by familiesbabysittersnannies

4,7 / 5

Meet verified babysitters in your area


You know what’s best for you - we just make it easier

Whether you are looking for a trustworthy babysitter or babysitting job, Babysits helps make childcare decisions as easy as possible.


We take care of your safety

With ID verification, reviews, criminal checks, secure messaging and payments, keeping you and your family safe is our top priority.


Less worry - more peace of mind

Transparent profiles, helpful tools, and our reliable support team help remove childcare-related stress and give you peace of mind!

Find a babysitter or job quick & easy

Filter based on your needs and review detailed profiles.
Send messages, screen members and have an introductory meeting.
Introductory Meeting
Get to know each other in an introductory meeting.
Filter based on your needs and review detailed profiles.
Send messages, screen members and have an introductory meeting.
Introductory Meeting
Get to know each other in an introductory meeting.

Babysits supports 6+ million members like you

4,7 / 5
2.400+ reviews
Beautiful and safe way to find babysitters and make the daily life of mothers and fathers who need help at home easier!
This application is super easy to use, super useful, reliable, it has many security and identity verification systems that make members feel safe.
It is a fantastic and safe app, I discovered it last year, and I’ve had very good experiences working with very loving and caring families and children.
The application is very good, easy to access, fast and simple. It has many verification methods and easy contact. Highly recommended.
It's more than good, it helped me make a living. It's a very nice experience spending time with children and being able to help them.

Childcare is always within reach with our app

Quickly view the babysitting jobs and available babysitters or nannies in your area via our app!

Babysits cares about the future of children

We dedicate part of our revenue to removing CO2 from the atmosphere.