Help - For childcare providers

You need to be at least 16 years old to use Babysits. If you are under 18 years old, you must also ask for permission from your parents before you sign up on the platform.
Sign up here
If you want to apply for babysitting jobs on Babysits, you can contact a parent by going to their profile and clicking on the “contact” button.
You need to have an active profile and ID verification to be able to contact parents.
If your profile visibility is public or platform only, parents will be able to contact you by sending you a message through our messaging system!
You can go to your Babysits inbox to reply directly.
It’s up to you!
Childcare providers set their own hourly rates for babysitting, based on the minimum wage, their qualifications, skills and experience.
You can indicate your average hourly babysitting rate for one child on your profile. When editing your profile you can also see the average rate that other babysitters have asked for, to get an idea of what is common.
How much you get paid may vary depending on the number of children you babysit, the duties required and the location of the babysitting job.
In the end, it’s up to you to negotiate hourly rates with the parent.
It is up to you to make agreements about the payment with the parent. The parent can pay you in cash or transfer the money to your bank account.
In countries where our Booking system is supported, parents can also pay you directly via our platform.
Learn more about Babysits Bookings system.
If you contacted the parent through the Babysits messaging system, you can leave a review about the parent and/or even block the parent. In any case, we ask you to report the parent to our support team, via their profile page. Then, we can take further action that may be necessary.
Contact customer service
We regularly send reminder notifications and emails to parents and hide inactive profiles on our search page. This is how we try to prevent these kinds of situations.
Here are some reasons why parents may not respond and what you could do about it;
* As you may know, parents need a Premium subscription to be able to contact childcare providers.
* Parents' profiles show their last activity and their average response time. We recommend that you reach out to parents who have been active recently to increase your chances of getting a response.
* Parents are always looking for childcare providers with the most detailed profile descriptions, including relevant experiences such as previous babysitting work. Try keeping your profile updated and professional looking.
In some jurisdictions, it is legally mandatory to arrange a contract. Because of this and to make the babysitting experience smoother for both parties, we suggest filling out and going through our intake form.
Read the intake form