Help - Babysits profile

If you've forgotten your password, you can request to reset your password by clicking the “forgot password” link located under the login box. After you enter the email address linked to your account, we will email you a link to reset your password. If you’re still having trouble logging in, contact us.
Contact customer service
You can easily delete your account by clicking on “delete account” at the bottom of the account page. When deleting your account, your profile will also be removed from our platform. If you are a parent and you have a Premium subscription, this will also be canceled.
Account page
To make your profile private, log in to your Babysits account and go to your edit profile page. Click on the “make profile private” button.
On Babysits, canceling the Premium subscription stops your automatic payment.
If you would no longer like to be charged for a Premium subscription but would like to continue having access to your account, this is the best option.
Making your account private makes your profile invisible for other users. This action does not cancel your Premium subscription. While your profile is private you can continue any conversations that you have already started with other users.
First, check that you are logged in to your own country’s platform; you may not able to enter addresses which are located outside the country you are logged in to. Then, please make sure that you are using the correct format for your postcode. If you are still having trouble, please contact us.
Contact customer service
You can unsubscribe from Babysits email service on the notification page or by clicking on the manage notifications / unsubscribe link in any notification email.
Notifications page
You can change your password by navigating to the login and security page. Enter your current and new password, then click on ‘save’.
Login and security page
You can change your account type on the personal information page of your account. If you aren't able to change it yourself, please contact our customer service.
Personal information page
Contact customer service
At Babysits, we follow a Fair Use Policy. This means that we have imposed a limit on the number of messages that a user can send in order to prevent spam and any other misuse of the messaging service.
Our goal is to achieve a trustworthy community in which users only send messages to other users when they are actually interested in the proposed service. By limiting the number of messages that users can send, our hope is also that users will send better quality messages.
If you've reached your limit, you can contact customer support for more information.
If you have not received a verification code, you can request a new code via the personal information page.
It is not possible to entirely delete a conversation. However, you can hide a conversation by clicking on the archive button in your inbox.
Babysits allows users to report content on Babysits that violates our Terms and Conditions or Community Guidelines. To report a user, you can go to the user’s profile and click on “report this profile”. When you submit the report, Babysits will be notified, can investigate, and take further action as necessary. Reports are confidential, the user you reported will not be notified of your report.
Profiles at the top of the search results get the most visibility and interest.
To increase your search ranking:
* Earn badges. More verified profiles with more badges show up first in the search results.
* Use the platform and check/update your profile regularly.
* Quickly respond to all messages you receive, in a timely manner.
Earn badges
A profile photo clearly showing your face is required for trust and transparency. Parents and babysitters are unlikely to contact a user without a profile photo.
To help other users on Babysits find you more easily, public profiles are made searchable. This means that your profile may also be included in search engines, like Google.
Don't worry, if you delete your profile from our platform, then it will also be removed from search engines. Please note that search engines do not update all changes to pages every day. Keep it mind that it can sometimes take up to 3 months before your profile is entirely removed from search engines.